How long does it take to learn a certain fighting technique, like Muay Thai or kickboxing?


Our course on winning any street fight is out! Learn how to win street fights using one Muay Thai technique! Check it out here!

Muay Thai and kickboxing are actually fighting styles. A technique would be something more along the lines of a right low kick i.e., a specific move. I don’t want to seem like I’m correcting the question, but that’s an important distinction because learning a specific move is very finite. True, you can always get better at each individual move, but with dedicated and focused training you can get to a base level of proficiency in handful of moves in a relatively short time (example: you can develop a decent roundhouse within 2-3 months if you’re taught exact form and you practice extremely diligently). Fighting styles and Martial Arts on the other hand are a lifelong journey because the combination of techniques, strategies, setups, and counters possible are endless and new strategies and setups are being developed constantly because these styles are constantly evolving as athletes push to new limits.